Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pictures! (It's Been A While, Huh?)

Got my hair braided!  Long, heavy and purple.  Yes, purple.  This is with
my friend Ashley in Parakou for Halloween.

My 14 year old friend/spider exterminator Epiphane.  He saved me
from the evil designs of this Anyphops.  Tee hee, Anyphops.

Still working on the world map! Not done yet, but with outlining and labeling, it's looking really good!

See that line snaking its way through the school yard?  That's a two-inch
thick line of marching soldier ants.  They stop for nothing, eat everything,
and according to Gabriel, attack people if they get in their way.
My legacy as an English teacher in Benin.  I'm so proud. 

Visited my friend Claire's village, Ketou, where the main landmark is this GIANT sacred
pile of trash.  Apparently there's a voodoo priestess buried underneath.
This week, I killed my first chicken!  Here it is alive.

After giving it its last drink of water (in Benin, you always
give the animal a drink before you kill it, because you
don't want it to have to die thirsty), I did the actual
cutting of the throat.

With Pierrette, post-chicken killing.  She was proud
of me!  I mainly just wanted to wash the gunk off
of my hands. :)

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