Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Three Conversations

Conversation with a zemidjan:

Zem: The price is 1500.
Me: I'd like to pay 700.
Zem: What?? That's absolutely ridiculous! Do you know how how far Daagbe is? And how expensive gas is now? 700... Impossible!! ...Give me 800.
Me: I'm going to pay 700.
Zem: Oh. Okay, let's go.

Encouraging Conversation with Gerardine, my student/friend/person who helps me with dishes:

Me: 10 is an okay score, acceptable. But for you,... I think you can do better, because you're smart.
G: (smiles, says okay)
(silence for a few seconds)
G: In October, you're going away?
Me: In September, but yeah, I'm going home. I need to see my family, my friends...
G: (silence)
Me: That's good, right? It's good to be with your family.
G: (pauses)... I just don't want you to leave.

Conversation with Nicaise, my very entertaining student:

Nicaise: (looking at the grades he's gotten this semester)... Madame, your math is right, but normally you should do the "plus plus."
Me: The what?
Nicaise: You know, plus two points here, plus three points there... That would really help my grade.
Me: Hahahahaha! (Creative approach, I like it!)

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