Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update 6.19: On Healthcare Remedies from Pioneer Times

I'm going to take a moment right now to vent a little. I have been miraculously healthy in this country. I mean, sure, food poisoning occasionally, that one time when I got a bacterial infection and my foot swelled up like a watermelon, the amoebas I've had so long I've started naming them...whatever. Point being that in general, I'm as healthy as a horse (who came up with that saying?), and I like it that way.

So it's kind of like a giant, celestial slap in the face when, this week, I started feeling icky right before my little sister arrives all the way from America. I've been so exhausted that yesterday I took no fewer than six naps, and while there's been no vomiting or fever (meaning, thank god, it's not malaria), there have been other...uh... issues. I will spare the details, friends, because I'm confused about the time difference and don't want to spoil your lunches. Suffice it to say: not fun for anyone, including the plumbing.

Today (6.19, Tuesday) I did some housework with my student Gerardine and at the end of it felt like my entire digestive system was going to explode. So I did what any little girl who has read too many Laura Ingalls Wilder books would do: I set out to make Pioneer-Endorsed Ginger Tea. Well, okay, it was just normal ginger tea, but I'm pretty sure Ms. Wilder would have approved. I went and bought 50 francs (10 cents USD) of fresh ginger, which turned out to be a lot of roots. Chopped it up, put it in a cup, added a little sugar and a bit of hot water and bam: ginger tea.

Thing is, I just drank it and don't feel that much better. I'm going to go see the docs tomorrow to see if they can find anything, but if this tea doesn't kick in soon, I'm going to have to go with some science-approved Immodium. Pioneers...this might be the end of our medical relationship. Ginger tea...pshhhh.

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