Saturday, June 5, 2010

French Lessons and Cupcakes

Having opened and closed my French book several times now, sometimes even looking at the words on the page, I have decided on a multifaceted approach to learning the language.  I will continue to "read" the book (or more accurately, have my 15-year-old sister read it to me), but I will also enrich my studies with the following:

1.  French films.  So far, I've watched The Red Balloon, which is a great story but had very little actual French in it.  I'll have to find something a little more verbal next time... luckily, this house has Netflix.  Score.

2.  French videos on YouTube.  French pop stars are, just for reference, totally bizarre (though I guess they'd say the same about Lady Gaga.  Actually, I'd say the same about Lady Gaga.)  See Yelle's Cause de Garcons video -- is that a person-sized kidney dancing on the bed?

3.  French Facebook.  After switching my Facebook language to French, I've gotten a lot of emails I don't understand, but I've also learned that wall is "mur" and "supprimer" means something like "delete." Last time I switched to Pirate English, I accidentally posted "Yarrrr!" on about 10 different friends' walls, so I'm hoping I'm more competent (or at least more eloquent) en francais.

Other major update: I have rediscovered Goodwill, and am now the proud owner of two long knee-covering skirts, a can opener, a truly (fantastically) 80s purse, and a pair of little speakers. Thank heavens for thrift shops.  Also for Target, since I just knocked out about half of my list there... I feel so accomplished.

In more exciting news, Lauren and I made strawberry sorbet from fresh, garden-picked strawberries yesterday.  And my amazing friend Kenzie made me a batch of the best cupcakes I've ever tasted (see pictures).  Not related to Benin, but definitely delicious.

PS.  I just figured out how to set it so that this site sends an email every time I post -- let me know if you want me to add you to the list.


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