Friday, December 9, 2011

Weekly Updates 12.7

  • World Map: Still Not Done! Worked on it 7+ hours this week outlining and labeling countries, and I've still got Asia to go. My shoulder muscles are very angry at me, but I'm getting closer. I am GOING to finish this sucker before Christmas break, even if my arm mutinies.
  • In Mispronunciation News... I've been teaching my classes music and instruments vocabulary, and on Monday we ran through some flashcards for review. They got guitar and drums right off, struggled with saxophone and piano, and totally failed at accordion (note: I did not choose this random array of instruments). I flipped the next card up (of a singer), and the class genius raises his hand.
    "Madame," he says confidently, "it's fuck."
    Um... What?
    "Yes, it's a fuck, Madame, fuck!"
    (I wonder briefly if they can hear me when I mutter at them under my breath.) "That's not... uh... correct." (I giggle.)
    "Yeeeeeeess, it's fuck!"
    (rest of class chimes in: "Yes Madame, fuck! Fuck, Madame!")
    No, still not correct, another word?
    "frenchfrenchfrench, Madame, fuck! Frenchfrenchfrench copybook!!"
    I go to look at his copybook. Discover the word they're determined to say is "folk music band." Later a girl tells me she saw a penis on tv. She was watching a piano concert.
  • Compliment of the Week: A professor told me I looked like Mary, the mother of Jesus. Thank you?
  • Grant is online! Further info in the next post. Here we go!

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