Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Notes From The Flight(s) Home

- Accidentally got a little, uh, tipsy, at the JFK airport. I ordered a single margarita at Chili's, thinking that I should probably have one before I went back to the Land of No Tequila. What arrived in front of me was a shaker approximately the size of an Octoberfest beer; that is, barely smaller than a bathtub. As a half-Texan AND very tough Peace Corps volunteer, I felt that it was my duty to finish the thing. It filled my martini glass 7 times (well, okay, I think it was 7... Counting may not be my strong suit at this very moment), and I drank it all. I am therefore maybe a little drunksies. Related: just got on a plane that might be going to Barcelona. Will find out when I get there.

- (Later) Upon boarding the plane, immediately passed out. Like before we even started taxiing. Apparently my sister's tendency to drool is hereditary. Luckily, the window doesn't seem to care.

 - 6-Hour Layover in Paris was made less awful by the arrival of my fellow volunteer and closemate Kalyn, who spent Christmas in France.  We traded fun stories of all the weird things we accidentally did/said while in the West, then ate everything we could find before boarding.  The flight was easy, we landed on time, and despite literally falling on my butt over my giant mass of duffle bags, we made it to the workstation alive.  

 - Now: To Village! Anticipate some stress this week as everyone I know asks me to give them things from America, but am also excited to get going on some projects.  Stay tuned for updates on my scholarship girl project, the beginnings of the library (i.e. nagging my director until he starts moving on room separation), and surviving hot season.  Was so glad to see everyone this trip!  Now, onto the next 9 months. :)

1 comment:

Pantlesselephant said...

Yeah for margarita's! Great drink and song: http://youtu.be/33WhIZLeu-Y