Thursday, February 2, 2012

Weekly Update (2.1.12): Ant Nest! And Other Minor Disasters

  • Ant Nest!  So I was sitting on my floor reading a book when I noticed a line of teensy little ants.  This was suspicious.  I followed the line and found a whole pile of ant eggs, with dutiful little ant nannies tending to them.  Ew.  To the dismay of Buddhists everywhere, I sprayed them with a solid layer of bug spray, then reorganized the whole thing.  In the process, I...
  • Found 3 Eggs!  Like miniature chicken eggs, each about the size of a Milk Dud.  One broke, and was a little unidentifiable, fetus-y blog with black pinpoint eyes.  I was convinced and worried that they were from mice, and then I realized that mice don't lay eggs.  It is unlikely that I have miniature invisible platypuses running around the house at night, so I'm currently unsure of their origin.  Except, well, the whole lizard thing.  Cross your fingers for lizards.
  • Exams (again).  Spent this week overseeing exams.  It was boring.  Highlight: during the 6eme math exam, someone thought it'd be a great idea to burn a giant pile of trash right next to the classroom.  We all smelled like a barbecue afterward.  The end.
  • Crime and Punishment, even though it tricked me, was really good!  First half's a little wallow-y, because the guy is basically going crazy, but the end is exciting and interesting.  Score one for Russian literature.
  • Three Products I'm Loving:  I brought these things back from Amurrica, and in the off-chance you're looking for a new energy bar, sunscreen or soap, I suggest these.  They're awesome!
    Neutrogena UltraSheer Sunscreen and LemonZest
    Luna Bars!
    Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap: Peppermint!

  • That's all for this week, next update: Parakou!

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