Friday, June 8, 2012

Updates 6.4-6.9

- Devoirs. I spent most of this week grading papers and calculating quiz averages, so I don't have many stories to tell. I also read book #96 (getting close!), painted my toenails, and switched to a new list book. It has been an adrenaline-packed week.
- To Parakou! For my last Gender and Development Committee meeting, and hopefully tchouking*, which has been on my things-to-do list for at least a year and a half.
*Tchouk: locally-brewed millet beer. Alcoholic, made only in the middle-to-north part of the country, sold in wooden or hollow gourd bowls, and is served in an Octoberfest-tent style: you sit at a big table with strangers. Then you become best friends with them as you buy each other rounds. Fun!

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