Monday, September 13, 2010

PCT Mail – It Exists!


After two weeks of begging Peace Corps to give us our *#$^& mail, they FINALLY brought it today. You’d think they’d want to give their 50+ homesick stagiers their encouraging, loving mail from home on a regular basis… but I guess that’s not always how it works in Benin.

Anyway, thanks for the mail, guys! I got lots of letters (again, my team rocks at mail), and three packages – it felt like Christmas. House decorations, food, photos, notes from my cousins, a book… I’m spoiled rotten, and I love it. One of the packages has body butter and soap in it, but I don’t know who it came from. It’s from Euclid, OH… let me know if you sent it so that I can thank you!

Also, my Sarahbelle took a card to the LHS and had a bunch of my favorite high school teachers sign it, and that was such a surprise that I was tearing up as I read it. It’s really good to know that even a bajillion miles away, my entire hometown seems to be wishing me luck, strength, and happy thoughts. Thanks, all – I’m pasting that up on my wall when I get to village.


Anonymous said...

What brand is the body butter? vOv

Lissa said...

Miami Fats?