Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Visit to Daagbe, Take 2


When I did my post visit (years ago during week 4 of stage), I stayed with a host family, and they were awesome. Unfortunately, right after I left, the host papa came down with a really sudden health issue and passed away – he was one of my favorite people in the whole village, so that really sucks.

Peace Corps said that it would be a good idea to go pay my condolences to the family, so I went after school with some admin people to saluer and talk with the host mama and kids. I think it was a really, really smart move – everyone there seemed really happy that we’d taken the time to stop out, and the mama told me that once I got to village, she’d love to help me with anything I have trouble with.

It wasn’t exactly a happy trip, but I did learn something: Customs may be different – we did a weird funeral greeting thing where we tapped our heads against each other’s four times – but funerals are basically the same no matter where you are. It’s incredibly sad when someone dies, but it’s important to celebrate the life lived rather than just grieve the loss.

On a slightly happier note, I got to see my house, and get this: I have a floor! And a ceiling. I know, I know, I’m spoiled. Still no screen on the windows or roof on the kitchen, but hey, they’ve still got two weeks.

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