Monday, August 23, 2010

Ponzi & Boni


I’m not sure how much of this is on international news, but Google search “Boni Benin scandal” and see what comes up. I don’t know a whole lot, and I’m not really supposed to blog about anything political, but basically Benin might be impeaching President Yayi Boni sometime soon. The news about a gigantic Ponzi scheme broke a couple of weeks ago, and apparently they just found most of the money in the basement of the presidential palace. That’s about all I know – any updates would be spectacular, since I don’t have a radio to listen to BBCNews.

Anyway, so between that and the election this year, there’s probably going to be a couple of protests and things. Just so you know (and Mom, so you don’t worry too much), the Peace Corps has a really comprehensive plan for getting us out of danger. They actually send us text messages that tell us where to go and how to get there. Better yet, these texts are in code… I feel like a spy, but a significantly less-cool spy than, say, James Bond or Mata Hari.

So no worries: Benin may get a little fussy, but I’ll be safe.

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