Wednesday, August 4, 2010


This is your official warning that, in the future, this blog will contain stories about poop. I’m holding out for a while, but since bowel movements are one of the favorite conversation topics in the Peace Corps (and since there’s usually a lot of poop-related drama), I’m going to have to include a story or two eventually. No worries, some of them are hilarious, and I promise to be a lady again when I get back to the USA.

As an intro – we’ll work in baby steps here – I’ll introduce the African Gamble, which is an important part of life for a PCV in Benin (they say that every volunteer loses the gamble at some point).

The African Gamble occurs when a person (usually in the middle of something important or official) thinks they have gas. Said person tries to let the gas out silently and surreptitiously… only to discover that what they just released was a lot more liquid then air. Awkward for you, and absolutely hilarious to everyone hearing the story.


Carter said...

Down here in the South, having that happen is called "to gamble and lose". Same basic idea, I guess.

Phil said...

Haha I wish I could express to you how relevant this is to the last 9 weeks of my life, I would go into detail but lets just say never gamble when you have salmonella!