Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Friday: Post Assignments!

Most important thing to look forward to this week: post assignments! On Friday, they’re going to finally tell us where we’re living for the next two years, and we’re all tres excited. Also, franglais-ing is the in thing around here, so you’re going to have to put up with the rudimentary French I mix into these blogs.

Anyway, so posts! They’ll tell us what the village is, what our teaching situation is like, and what we can expect from the community – how conservative it is, what the predominant religions are, and, most importantly, what local language we get to learn. I am so, so excited to learn the local language… I’m excited to be two languages richer when I get back, but French isn’t nearly as cool as Bariba or Fon will be.

A little about how they assign posts: we did an interview when we first got to Benin about what we hoped to do at post and what our preferences were. Nothing’s guaranteed, but they let you voice your hopes, at least. I said I’d be fine with anything they give me, but if I got to choose, I’d take a village over a city, electricity but not running water, and another volunteer within 25 km.

The only thing I’m really concerned about is the other volunteer close to me thing... I need a conversation in English every once in a while. I’ll let you know what I get, but fingers crossed for something cool!

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